Addressing Mobility, Skilling and Digital Constraints for Women

Adapting The Supply Chain For Rural Women

Upskilling Factory Supervisors

Menstrual Hygiene Management

Unlocking Worker Voice

Migrant Support Center

Soft Skills On The Factory Floor

Creating Employment Opportunities For Rural Women

Health Interventions For Women

Creating Leadership Pathways For Low-income Workers

Evaluating Worker Engagement

Information Anxiety Among Factory Workers

Listening To Workers, Reducing Attrition

Evaluating Empowerment Initiatives For Rural Girls

Digitalizing The Restaurant

Evaluating Performance Monitoring

Manufacturing Automobiles, Managing Innovation

Salary Advances Made Easy

Fighting Anaemia in Garment Factories

Right Lights On The Factory Floor

Setting The Right Expectations

Empowering Women With Digital Finance

Navigating The Mental Health Challenges of Migration

Improving Workers’ Eyesight

Unlocking Female Labor

This focus area consists of projects designed to enable women to engage in paid work and firms to reach untapped labor.

Addressing Mobility, Skilling and Digital Constraints for Women

Unlocking Female Labor

Adapting The Supply Chain For Rural Women

Unlocking Female Labor

Creating Employment Opportunities For Rural Women

Unlocking Female Labor

Health Interventions For Women

Unlocking Female Labor

Salary Advances Made Easy

Unlocking Female Labor

Closing The Skill Gap

This focus area consists of projects aimed towards training workers most effectively in the skills they need to thrive at work.

Upskilling Factory Supervisors

Closing The Skill Gap

Soft Skills On The Factory Floor

Closing The Skill Gap

Creating Leadership Pathways For Low-income Workers

Closing The Skill Gap

Evaluating Performance Monitoring

Closing The Skill Gap

Improving Work Environment

This focus area consists of projects that provide an amicable and build a more conducive work environment.

Unlocking Worker Voice

Improving Work Environment

Migrant Support Center

Improving Work Environment

Evaluating Worker Engagement

Improving Work Environment

Listening To Workers, Reducing Attrition

Improving Work Environment

Digitalizing The Restaurant

Improving Work Environment

Manufacturing Automobiles, Managing Innovation

Improving Work Environment

Right Lights On The Factory Floor

Improving Work Environment

Setting The Right Expectations

Improving Work Environment

Empowering Women With Digital Finance

Improving Work Environment

Building Holistic Health

This focus area consists of projects designed to safeguard against stressors to health.

Menstrual Hygiene Management

Building Holistic Health

Information Anxiety Among Factory Workers

Building Holistic Health

Evaluating Empowerment Initiatives For Rural Girls

Building Holistic Health

Fighting Anaemia in Garment Factories

Building Holistic Health

Navigating The Mental Health Challenges of Migration

Building Holistic Health

Improving Workers’ Eyesight

Building Holistic Health