5 years in, it’s time to transform

Shalin Gor

Five is an important age. Although every child develops at their own pace, by five, most would have experienced a snippet of what life will have to offer them. They might be able to run around at dangerous speeds and are perhaps tall enough to bump their heads on the kitchen table. They might have a solid routine, with regular meals and bowel movements. They’ve probably figured out what they like, don’t like, and how to get more of what they want. Whose heart strings they can tug, and who they should not mess around with. They would be able to talk, listen, or share their opinion through their body language; they would have their own personality. In an ideal situation, they would be ready to enroll into their first school: ready to take all they have learned to the real world to make friends, learn new things, and continue their journey of growth.

If fortunate enough to have survived for this long, which many start-ups are not, an organization will reach an inflection point like the kids reaching school: Has my experience adequately prepared me for the challenges I’m going to face in the next phase of my life? What are some of the interesting connections I’m going to make? What are some of the new things I’m going to pick up?

In April 2022, Good Business Lab will celebrate its fifth year. We’ve gone from a small team to an exciting workplace with employees across multiple teams and geographies. And although the growth has been rapid, we have worked tirelessly to stay true to our fundamental principle of prioritizing the wellbeing of our workforce. There is a huge amount to celebrate, and, equally, a huge amount to think about. To ensure we can celebrate our tenth year, like all organizations, we need to assess our capabilities and transform ourselves to be able to meet the needs of today and to thrive tomorrow. This involves identifying what’s working well, what needs to be improved, refining our operational infrastructure to meet the demands of growth, and exploring a vision for the future that best suits us.

This article was also published on Medium.

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